A. C. --to-- Mary W. Adams
Matthew S. "Matt" Adams --to-- Lydia Arnold
Lydia Arnold --to-- Hannah Beal
J. Williams Beal --to-- Ebenezer Bragg
Ethel May Bragg --to-- Joseph Burt (Jr.)
Lawana Burt --to-- Surrepta Claflin
Susannah Claflin --to-- Ida F. Crandall
Ira Mauger Crandall --to-- Stephen Dexter
Stephen Dexter --to-- Daniel Farnum
Darius Daniels Farnum --to-- Myrtle Gardner
Myrtle Fern Gardner --to-- John B. Gunnison
John Laverne Gunnison --to-- Bettye Ann Hedges
Charles W. Hedges --to-- Harriett Ann Humpherys
Hyrum Thomas Humpherys --to-- Catharine M. Judge
Martin Judge --to-- Hugh Charles Lawson
Isaac Lawson --to-- George Eli Martin
George Henry Martin --to-- Chester Connant Whipple Mixer
Edward Eugene "Eddie" Mixer --to-- Millicent Gwendoline Oates
Norman William Oates --to-- Harriet Patterson
Helen M. Patterson --to-- Paul Frederick Post
Roswell Post --to-- Ellen Riley
Emma Maud Riley --to-- Charles Card Selden
Edward Selden --to-- Samuel Rodman Snelling
Snider --to-- Charles Francis Stone
Charles Franklin Stone --to-- Ella Barnes Sweet
Ella Clapp Sweet --to-- Elizabeth A. Tupper
James Tupper (Jr.) --to-- John Lewis Watson
John R. Watson --to-- Cynthia R. Whipple
Cyprian Whipple --to-- Jennie Belle Whipple
Jennie C. Whipple --to-- Roderick J. Whipple
Roderick Mark "Duck" Whipple --to-- Lucretia Willard
Lucretia Willard --to-- Maj Ellen Österlin
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