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Index of Persons

152346 individuals, 60972 families from file 20240720.ged (20 Jul 2024)

Sarah E. Averill --to-- Lucy L. Avery
Lulu Avery --to-- Jane Ayers
Lillian Ayers --to-- Betsey Carpenter Babbitt
Charles D. Babbitt --to-- Hugh Wallace Babcock
Ichabod Babcock --to-- William Ardell Babcock
William Henry Babcock (Sr.) --to-- Joseph Austin Bacon
Joseph Woodward Bacon --to-- Clarence Booth Bagley
Daniel J. Bagley (Reverend) --to-- Eli Bailey
Elijah Bailey --to-- Mary J. Bailey
Mary Jane Bailey --to-- Abraham Baker
Abraham or Abram Baker (Jr.) --to-- Elijah Baker
Elijah Baker --to-- Josephine Baker
Julia Baker --to-- Narcissa Baker
Nathan Baker --to-- William Baker
William Baker --to-- Charles Baldwin
Charles Baldwin --to-- Thomas Balhatchett (Dr.)
Halley Rose Balkovich --to-- Sally Ball
Stanley Earl Ball --to-- Abigail Ballou
Abigail "Nabby" Ballou --to-- Annie Wheaton Ballou
Ariel Ballou --to-- Cynthia Ann Janette Ballou
Cynthia Maria Ballou --to-- Emily Ballou
Emily Stetson Ballou --to-- Grace Lillian Ballou
Grace Reed Ballou --to-- James E. Ballou
James Walter Ballou --to-- Leonard Ballou
Leonard Ballou --to-- Mary Ballou
Mary "Polly" Arnold Ballou --to-- Olney Ballou
Olney Ballou --to-- Rosina Ballou
Rowena Ballou --to-- Stephen Ballou
Stephen Ballou --to-- William Ballou
William Ballou (Jr.) --to-- Harriet Bancroft
Hattie A. Bancroft --to-- Victoria Bannister
Walter Stanley Bannister --to-- Susan Arnold Barbour
Mattie Barclay --to-- Hannaniah Barker
Harriet Barker --to-- Thomas Barnacle
Ann Barnard --to-- Charles Barnes
Charles O. Barnes --to-- Jonathan Barnes
Joseph Barnes --to-- William Barnes (Sr.)
William Barnes --to-- Florence Irene Barnum
Jehiel Barnum --to-- Theodore A. Barrett
Thomas Barrett --to-- Louella Barrows
Louisa Barrows --to-- Emma R. Bartholomew
George A. Bartholomew --to-- Elisha Bartlett
Elisha Bartlett --to-- Martha Bartlett
Martha Frances Bartlett --to-- Thomas Rhodes Bartlett
Timothy M. Bartlett --to-- Mary Ellen Barton
Mary Lou Barton --to-- Sarah Bass
Arrilla Basset --to-- Sophia Batchelder
Stephen Batchelder (Rev.) --to-- Elias Bates
Eliot Bates --to-- Ruth Bates
Sarah Bates --to-- Charles Battle
Mabel Violet Battle --to-- Mary Pollyann Baum
Melinda Baum --to-- Cyrus Beach
Edna Beach --to-- Mary Sanborn "Molly" Beaman
Mina Delia Beaman --to-- Araminta A. Beardsley
Aranetta S. Beardsley --to-- Dale Beasley
Eliza B. Beasley --to-- Kate Bell "Kitty" Beaver
Lida May Beaver --to-- Charles Marvin Beckham
Dorothy Jane Hoghton Beckham --to-- Samuel Thomas Beddoes
Thomas Henry Beddoes --to-- John S. Beers
Keturah Sherman Beers --to-- Isaac Belknap
Job E. Belknap --to-- Myrtle Bell
Patricia Lynn Bell --to-- Abigail Bemis
Abigail Bemis --to-- Maurice Benedict
Polly Benedict --to-- Derastus Bennet
Dorothy "Dolly" Bennet --to-- Eleanor Bennett
Elhanan "Chet" Winchester Bennett --to-- Lucy Bennett
Mabel Idella Bennett --to-- William Whipple Bennett
William or Willie Bennett --to-- Blair Bentley
Caleb Bentley --to-- Dale R. Berg
Elin Elisabeth Berg --to-- Jeanette Bernhart
Alta Bernice --to-- Lizzie M. Bertwell
Elsie Besaw --to-- Benjamin John "Bennie" Betterley

UP (A. C. - Maj Ellen Österlin )
BACK (Amey Aldrich - Sanford Bernard "Sam" Averill )
NEXT (Beulah F. Betterley - L. C. Brown )


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