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Index of Persons

153812 individuals, 61663 families from file 20250301.ged (1 Mar 2025)

Oscar William Whipple --to-- Patience Whipple
Patience Whipple --to-- Paula Whipple
Pauline Whipple --to-- Phebe Whipple
Phebe Whipple --to-- Phoebe Grace Whipple
Phoebe Irene Whipple --to-- Prussia Whipple
Putnam Whipple --to-- Randall J. "Randy" Whipple
Randall M. Whipple --to-- Rebecca Whipple
Rebecca Jane Whipple --to-- Richard Allan "Dick" Whipple
Richard Allen Whipple --to-- Robert Whipple
Robert Whipple --to-- Robert Jenks Whipple
Robert John Whipple --to-- Roderick J. Whipple
Roderick Mark "Duck" Whipple --to-- Rose Winifred Whipple
Roselind May Whipple --to-- Ruby Pearl Whipple
Ruby Sophronia Whipple --to-- Ruth Whipple
Ruth Whipple --to-- Sadie Whipple
Sadie Whipple --to-- Samuel Whipple
Samuel Whipple --to-- Samuel L. Whipple
Samuel Lyndon Whipple --to-- Sarah Whipple
Sarah Whipple --to-- Sarah Whipple
Sarah Whipple --to-- Sarah B. Whipple
Sarah B. Whipple --to-- Sarah L. Whipple
Sarah L. "Sallie" Whipple --to-- Serena Whipple
Serena Whipple --to-- Shirley Yvonne Whipple
Shoni Rae Whipple --to-- Solan Fay or Solon Fay Whipple
Solomon Whipple --to-- Stella May Whipple
Stella or Estella Whipple --to-- Stephen Rumford Whipple
Stephen S. Whipple --to-- Susan Farnum Whipple
Susan Flagg "Susie" Whipple --to-- Sylvanus W. Whipple
Sylvester Whipple --to-- Theone G. Whipple
Theresa Whipple --to-- Thomas Corbin Whipple
Thomas D. Whipple --to-- Timothy Whipple
Timothy Whipple --to-- Vera Anna Whipple
Vera Clare Whipple --to-- Virgie Ann Whipple
Virgie M. Whipple --to-- Wallace Whipple
Wallace David Whipple --to-- Walter Leroy "Walt" Whipple
Walter Leslie Whipple --to-- Warren Harding Whipple
Warren J. Whipple --to-- Wes Whipple
Wesley Whipple --to-- William Whipple
William Whipple --to-- William Whipple
William Whipple (Jr.) --to-- William "Bill" Richard Whipple
William "Billy" Whipple --to-- William D. Whipple
William Dailey Whipple --to-- William Harold Whipple
William Harrison Whipple --to-- William Marsh Whipple
William McDonough Whipple --to-- William V. (Virgil?) Whipple
William Victor Whipple --to-- Willis Clifford Whipple
Willis E. Whipple --to-- Zelma Inez Whipple
Zelma Leala Whipple --to-- George Whippo
George Whippo --to-- William Whitaker
William Franklin Whitaker --to-- Mae Belle Whitcomb
Maggie Ellen Whitcomb --to-- Anna White
Anna White --to-- Elias White
Elias White --to-- Harriet Jane White
Harriet Mae "Hattie" White --to-- Luther L. White
Lydia White --to-- Nora White
Norine Dale White --to-- William White
William White --to-- Edward Clair Whitford
Eliza Whitford --to-- Ruth A. Whiting
Samuel Whiting --to-- Robert H. Whitman
Sarah Whitman --to-- William Davis Whitmore
William Dickman Whitmore --to-- Ida Nims Whitney
Isaac Whitney --to-- Sarah Elizabeth Whitney
Sarah Jane Whitney --to-- George Whittle or Whipple
Lucy Whittle or Whipple --to-- Theron Hubert Wider
Frank Adrian Widner --to-- Joshua Wight
Joshua Wight --to-- Abby Wilbur
Abigail Wilbur --to-- Joseph Wilbur (Lieutenant)
Louis Allen Wilbur --to-- Wilcox
Abigail Wilcox --to-- Katie M. Wilcox
Kenneth E. Wilcox --to-- Howard Payson Wild
Isabella Wild --to-- Loyd Wilder
Lucius E. Wilder --to-- Catherine Wilkes
Gayle Ann Wilkey --to-- Wilkinson
Wilkinson --to-- Ben Green Wilkinson

UP (A. C. - Maj Ellen Österlin )
BACK (Herbert B. Whipple - Oscar Wesley Whipple )
NEXT (Ben Green Wilkinson - Maj Ellen Österlin )


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