Herbert B. Whipple --to-- Hollis Guy Whipple
Homer Whipple --to-- Howard Gregory Whipple
Howard K. Whipple --to-- Ida E. Whipple
Ida Elizabeth Whipple --to-- Ira Whipple
Ira Whipple --to-- Irving Fenno Whipple
Irving Lewis Whipple --to-- Israel Whipple
Israel Brown Whipple --to-- Jacob Whipple (Jr.)
Jacob Whipple (Reverend) --to-- James Whipple
James Whipple --to-- James E. Whipple
James E. Whipple --to-- James Melvin Whipple
James Monroe Whipple --to-- Jane Whipple
Jane Whipple --to-- Jay Whipple
Jay Albert Whipple --to-- Jennie Whipple
Jennie Whipple --to-- Jerusha Whipple
Jerusha Whipple --to-- Joanah Whipple
Joane Rae Whipple --to-- John Whipple
John Whipple --to-- John Whipple
John Whipple --to-- John Whipple
John Whipple --to-- John C. Whipple
John C. Whipple --to-- John H. Whipple
John H. Whipple --to-- John M. Whipple
John Major Whipple --to-- John Spencer Whipple
John Stevens Whipple --to-- Jonathan Whipple
Jonathan Whipple --to-- Joseph Whipple (twin)
Joseph Whipple --to-- Joseph Brown Whipple
Joseph C. Whipple --to-- Josephine B. "Josie" Whipple
Josephine Ballou Whipple --to-- Julia Whipple
Julia Whipple --to-- June Whipple
June Whipple --to-- Kenneth Whipple
Kenneth Whipple --to-- LaNora Whipple (twin)
LaRee Whipple --to-- Laura E. Whipple
Laura E. Whipple --to-- Lawrence Elah Whipple
Lawrence Gale Whipple --to-- Lena Ida Whipple
Lena Mae Whipple --to-- Leroy D. Whipple
Leroy E. or Timothy Whipple --to-- Lewis Whipple
Lewis Whipple --to-- Lila B. Whipple
Lila Jeannette Whipple --to-- Lisle Earle Whipple
Lithuania Whipple --to-- Lorenzo Whipple
Lorenzo Whipple (twin) --to-- Louisa F. Whipple
Louisa M. Whipple --to-- Lucille Dawn Whipple
Lucille L. "Babe" Whipple --to-- Lucy Whipple
Lucy Whipple --to-- Lucy Sarah Whipple
Lucy Warren Whipple --to-- Lydia Whipple
Lydia Whipple --to-- Lydia or Lyda Whipple
Lyle Whipple --to-- Mabel Ruth Whipple
Mabel S. Whipple --to-- Marcia P. Whipple
Marcus Whipple --to-- Margaret Josephine "Josephine" Whipple
Margaret L. Whipple --to-- Marian Alice Whipple
Marian Frances "Mamie" Whipple --to-- Marion Lavonia Whipple
Marion Randall Whipple --to-- Martha Whipple
Martha Whipple --to-- Martha R. Whipple
Martha S. Whipple --to-- Mary Whipple
Mary Whipple --to-- Mary Whipple
Mary Whipple --to-- Mary Whipple
Mary Whipple --to-- Mary Ann Whipple
Mary Ann Whipple --to-- Mary E. Whipple
Mary E. Whipple --to-- Mary Esther Whipple
Mary Etta Whipple --to-- Mary Judson Whipple
Mary Julia Whipple --to-- Mary R. Whipple
Mary Rosetta Whipple --to-- Matthew Whipple (Major)
Matthew Whipple --to-- Maxine Whipple
Maxine Illa Whipple --to-- Melvina Whipple
Melvina "Melvia" Whipple --to-- Michael David Whipple
Michael Grant "Grant" Whipple --to-- Milton Hardy Whipple
Milton Lee Whipple (twin) --to-- Mortimer Whipple
Mortimer E. Whipple --to-- Myrtle M. Whipple
Myrtle May Whipple --to-- Napoleon Whipple
Napoleon B. Whipple --to-- Nebadiah Whipple
Nehemiah Whipple --to-- Nelson Morris Whipple (Jr.)
Nelson Simeon Whipple --to-- Norma Agnes Whipple
Norma Jean Whipple --to-- Oliver Whipple
Oliver Whipple --to-- Orlen Claire Whipple
Orlene Walker Whipple --to-- Oscar Wesley Whipple
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