_John Whipple ___________ | (1617 - 1685) m 1638 _David Whipple ________|_Sarah __________________ | (.... - 1710) m 1677 (1624 - 1666) _William Whipple ____| | (1685 - 1746) m 1708| | | _John Tower _____________ | | | (.... - 1701) m 1638 | |_Hannah Tower _________|_Margaret Ibrook ________ | (1652 - 1722) m 1677 (1620 - 1700) _John Whipple _______| | (1715 - ....) | | | _________________________ | | | | | _______________________|_________________________ | | | | |_Mary _______________| | m 1708 | | | _________________________ | | | | |_______________________|_________________________ | _Christopher Whipple _| | (1745 - 1808) m 1767 | | | _________________________ | | | | | _______________________|_________________________ | | | | | _____________________| | | | | | | | | _________________________ | | | | | | | | |_______________________|_________________________ | | | | |_Sarah Peck _________| | (1720 - ....) | | | _________________________ | | | | | _______________________|_________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _________________________ | | | | |_______________________|_________________________ | | |--Joseph Whipple | (1776 - 1847) | _Roger Burlingame _______+ | | (1629 - 1718) m 1663 | _John Burlingame ______|_Mary Elizabeth Lippitt _ | | (1664 - 1719) m 1688 (1642 - 1718) | _John Burlingame ____| | | (1690 - 1755) | | | | _Moses Lippitt __________+ | | | | (1640 - 1703) m 1668 | | |_Mary Knowles Lippitt _|_Mary Knowles ___________ | | (1668 - 1707) m 1688 (.... - 1719) | _John Burlingame ____| | | (1712 - 1786) | | | | _________________________ | | | | | | | _______________________|_________________________ | | | | | | |_Sarah Briggs _______| | | (1690 - 1773) | | | | _________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________|_________________________ | | |_Sarah Burlingame ____| (1752 - 1845) m 1767 | | _________________________ | | | _______________________|_________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________|_________________________ | | |_Elizabeth Plimpton _| | | _________________________ | | | _______________________|_________________________ | | |_____________________| | | _________________________ | | |_______________________|_________________________
There is one other detail that is questionable in the Christopher and Sarah Burlingame Whipple list of children. There is a Joseph Whipple in between Sarah and Lydia Whipple. Arnold does not have this Joseph in his short list of their children. In fact it is just about physically impossible to have another child between Sarah and Lydia. They may well have had a child named Joseph. A Joseph Whipple is listed as having a claim against the estate of Samuel Whipple.!SOURCE: Israel Wilkinson, _Memoirs of the Wilkinson Family in America_ (Jacksonville, Ill.: Davis & Penniman, 1869), p. 162. "Eunice [Wilkinson of Cumberland, R.I.] married Joseph Whipple of Cumberland, R.I. They had two children."
!SOURCE: "Descendants of Christopher Whipple," emailed by Ann Winder (email hidden) to Weldon Whipple, 11 Sep 1998. Gives birth date of 17 Feb 1848. (Should that be a death date instead?)
!SOURCE: Will, dated 24 Dec 1847, proved 3 Apr 1848. Abstracted by Nellie M.C. Beaman in "Abstracts of Cumberland, Rhode Island Wills," Rhode Island Genealogical Register, vol. 5, no. 3 (Jan 1983), p. 242:
WHIPPLE, Joseph, of Cu. Will dated 24 Dec 1847, proved 3 Apr 1848, pgs 204-205. Mentions: Wife Rhoda Whipple. Son Joseph Whipple. Daughter Sarah Whipple under 21. Catherine Updike daughter of my wife Rhoda Whipple.!SOURCE: James N. Arnold, Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850, Vol. 20, RI American Marriages & Deaths, RI Americah Marriages H-Z (Providence, Narragansett Historical Pub. Co., 1892), p. 461. Joseph is identified as "Joseph, 2d, Esq., of Cumberland."
!SOURCE: Nellie M.C. Beaman, "Cumberland Cemetery Inscriptions," R.I. Genealogical Register, 17:146.:
- Tomb erected by Joseph Whipple 1825
- Joseph Whipple 1770 - 1847
- Rhoda Whipple 1792 - 1864
- Mrs. Eunice Whipple amiable consort of Mr. Joseph Whipple d. 5 Feb 1825 in her 47th year.
- Also of George Francis their infant son d 23 Jun 1801 aged 21 days.
- Addison M. Harrington 1828 - 1856
- Sarah Harrington 1830 - 1900
- Lodowick G. Updike 1812 - 1833
- Catherine G. Updike 1810 - 1883.
!SOURCE: International Genealogical Index (Internet), 1 Apr 2008. Gives Joseph Whipple, married to Eunice Wilkinson, born about 1776, of Cumberland, Providence, Rhode Island.
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