_____________________ | _John Whipple _______|_____________________ | (1617 - 1685) m 1638 _Eleazer Whipple ____| | (.... - 1719) m 1669| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Sarah ______________|_____________________ | (1624 - 1666) m 1638 _Daniel Whipple ___________| | (1688 - 1768) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _Thomas Angell ______|_____________________ | | | (1618 - 1694) m 1643 | |_Alice Angell _______| | (1649 - 1743) m 1669| | | _James Ashton _______ | | | (1580 - 1651) | |_Alice Ashton _______|_Alice ______________ | (1617 - 1694) m 1643 _Preserved Whipple __| | (1746 - 1813) m 1766| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | _____________________| | | | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Anne Chamberlain _________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Olive Whipple | (1786 - 1866) | _Maturin Ballou _____ | | (1610 - 1659) m 1646 | _James Ballou _______|_Hannah Pike ________ | | (1652 - 1740) m 1683 (1627 - 1707) | _James Ballou _______| | | (1684 - 1764) m 1713| | | | _Valentine Whitman __+ | | | | (1627 - 1700) m 1651 | | |_Susanna Whitman ____|_Mary _______________ | | (1657 - 1733) m 1683 (1630 - 1718) | _James Ballou _____________| | | (1723 - 1812) m 1744 | | | | _Stephen Arnold _____+ | | | | (1622 - 1699) m 1646 | | | _Elisha Arnold ______|_Sarah Smith ________ | | | | (1661 - 1710) (1629 - 1713) | | |_Catherine Arnold ___| | | (1689 - ....) m 1713| | | | _Ephraim Carpenter __+ | | | | (1637 - 1703) | | |_Susannah Carpenter _|_Susannah Harris ____ | | (1664 - 1753) (1642 - 1677) |_Olive Ballou _______| (1751 - 1845) m 1766| | _Walter Cook ________ | | (.... - 1684) | _Nicholas Cook ______|_Catherine __________ | | (1659 - 1730) m 1684 (.... - 1696) | _Daniel Cook ________| | | (1703 - 1785) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Joanna Rockwood ____|_____________________ | | (1667 - 1710) m 1684 |_Tamasin or Thomasin Cook _| (1725 - 1804) m 1744 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Susannah ___________| (1706 - 1791) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
!SOURCE: Dwane V. Norris, Whipple Family Tree (Jackson, Mich., 1996), p. 121, 157.
!SOURCE: Judith Whipple, "Genealogy Chart of Captain John Whipple 1617-1685 to Grace Louise (Whipple) Pitcher 1892 and Alfred Whipple 1903 and John Whipple 1904 and Lorey Whipple 1910-1970" (Portland, Tex., c1977). Copy in the NEHGS library, call number CS71.W574 1977.
!CHILDREN: 4 children. --Judith Whipple
!SOURCE: James N. Arnold, Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850, vol. 3, Cumberland, pt. 5 (Providence, R.I.: Narragansett Historical Pub. Co., 1892), p. 68, 131.
!SOURCE: Adin Ballou, An Elaborate History and Genealogy of the Ballous in America ([Providence?]: Ariel and Latimer W. Ballou, c1888), p. 170.
!SOURCE: Email from N. Combs to the Whipple Website, 20 Oct 2001. Cites Rhode Island Historical Cemeteries Database Index.
!SOURCE: "Descendants of Jemima Comstock," email from N. Combs to the Whipple Website, 9 Apr 2002. Cites Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850; Rhode Island Cemeteries Database Index.
!SOURCE: Transcriptions of headstones from the Old and New Diamond Hill Cemeteries, Reservoir Road, Cumberland, Rhode Island. Emailed by Beth Hurd to Weldon Whipple, 13 Jun 2002.
!SOURCE: "Descendants of Sarah Whipple," email from N. Combs to the Whipple Website, 23 Feb 2003. Cites Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850 (birth, marriage); Cumberland, RI Cemetery Transcriptions (gives birth 15 Dec 1788); RI Index of Deaths, 1853-1869 (gives death 20 Jan 1866 in Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island; also gives death 31 Jan 1866 in Central Falls, Providence, Rhode Island); Rhode Island Cemeteries Database Index (death, burial; gives death 30 Jan 1866 in Cumberland, Providence, Rhode Island).
Gravestone of Olive Whipple |
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RIN 15337. Quick link to this page: https://genweb.whipple.org/15337
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