_John Whipple _______ | (1617 - 1685) m 1638 _Eleazer Whipple ______|_Sarah ______________ | (.... - 1719) m 1669 (1624 - 1666) _Daniel Whipple _______________| | (1688 - 1768) m 1715 | | | _Thomas Angell ______ | | | (1618 - 1694) m 1643 | |_Alice Angell _________|_Alice Ashton _______ | (1649 - 1743) m 1669 (1617 - 1694) _Daniel Whipple _____| | (1716 - 1782) m 1743| | | _____________________ | | | | | _______________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Mary _________________________| | (.... - 1730) m 1715 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | _Simon Whipple ____________| | (1751 - 1821) m 1772 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _______________________|_____________________ | | | | | _Joseph Razee _________________| | | | (1686 - 1755) | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Mary Razee _________| | (1715 - 1783) m 1743| | | _John Whipple _______ | | | (1617 - 1685) m 1638 | | _David Whipple ________|_Sarah ______________ | | | (.... - 1710) m 1677 (1624 - 1666) | |_Sarah Whipple ________________| | (1687 - 1727) | | | _John Tower _________ | | | (.... - 1701) m 1638 | |_Hannah Tower _________|_Margaret Ibrook ____ | (1652 - 1722) m 1677 (1620 - 1700) | |--Simon Whipple | (1789 - 1856) | _____________________ | | | _______________________|_____________________ | | | _Nathan Staples _______________| | | (1709 - 1774) m 1731 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | | | _Nathan Staples _____| | | (1733 - 1824) m 1752| | | | _Nathaniel Mowry ____+ | | | | (1644 - 1717) m 1666 | | | _Joseph Mowry _________|_Joanna Inman _______ | | | | (1672 - 1755) m 1695 (1640 - 1718) | | |_Mary or Marcy or Mercy Mowry _| | | (1709 - 1746) m 1731 | | | | _Eleazer Whipple ____+ | | | | (.... - 1719) m 1669 | | |_Alice Whipple ________|_Alice Angell _______ | | (1675 - 1746) m 1695 (1649 - 1743) |_Lavina or Levina Staples _| (1754 - 1841) m 1772 | | _Samuel Comstock ____+ | | (1654 - 1727) m 1678 | _Daniel Comstock ______|_Elizabeth Arnold ___ | | (1686 - 1768) (1645 - 1747) | _Azariah Comstock _____________| | | (1714 - 1791) m 1735 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | | |_Jemima Comstock ____| (1735 - 1757) m 1752| | _Anthony Sprague ____+ | | (1635 - 1719) m 1661 | _Richard Sprague ______|_Elizabeth Bartlett _ | | (1685 - 1753) m 1710 (1636 - 1712) |_Zerviah Sprague ______________| (1716 - ....) m 1735 | | _William Whipple ____+ | | (.... - 1711) m 1675 |_Mary Sprague Whipple _|_Mary _______________ (1689 - 1749) m 1710 (.... - 1713)
!SOURCE: Dwane V. Norris, Whipple Family Tree (Jackson, Mich., 1996), p. 121, 132, 157.
!SOURCE: James N. Arnold, Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850, vol. 3, Cumberland, pt. 5 (Providence, R.I.: Narragansett Historical Pub. Co., 1892), p. 68, 132.
!SOURCE: Email from Joanne Lahr-Kreischer to Weldon Whipple, 28 Dec 1998. Gives death and burial information.
!SOURCE: Will of Uncle Daniel Whipple, dated 13 Dec 1823, proved 4 Feb 1828. In Abstracts of Cumberland, R.I. Wills, R.I. Genealogical Register, vol. 5, no. 1 (Jul 1982), p. 30. Gives name Simeon Whipple 3rd.
!SOURCE: Will of mother Lavina, dated 21 Feb 1841, proved 7 Jun 1841. Abstracted by Nellie M.C. Beaman in "Abstracts of Cumberland, Rhode Island Wills," Rhode Island Genealogical Register, vol. 5, no. 3 (Jan 1983), p. 234. Gives name Simon.
!SOURCE: Email from N. Combs to the Whipple Website, 20 Oct 2001. Cites Rhode Island Historical Cemeteries Database Index.
!SOURCE: "Descendants of Jemima Comstock," email from N. Combs to the Whipple Website, 9 Apr 2002. Cites Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850; Rhode Island Cemeteries Database Index.
!SOURCE: Transcriptions of headstones from the Old and New Diamond Hill Cemeteries, Reservoir Road, Cumberland, Rhode Island. Emailed by Beth Hurd to Weldon Whipple, 13 Jun 2002. Gives birth 15 Dec 1788. (Previous sources give 12 Jan 1789.)
!SOURCE: "Descendants of Sarah Whipple," email from N. Combs to the Whipple Website, 23 Feb 2003. Cites Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850 (birth, marriage; gives birth 12 Jan 1789 in Cumberland, Providence, Rhode Island); Cumberland, RI Cemetery Transcriptions (gives birth 15 Dec 1788); RI Index of Deaths, 1853-1869; Rhode Island Cemeteries Database Index (burial).
!SOURCE: Adin Ballou, An Elaborate History and Genealogy of the Ballous in America (Providence, R.I.: Ariel Ballou and Latimer W. Ballou, c1888), p. 169. Gives name Simon Whipple.
Gravestone of Simon Whipple |
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