Cora Addison --to-- Blanche Ethel Lance Ainslie
Henry Ainslie --to-- Lois Albee
Lucy Morton Albee --to-- David Alden
Edwin Augustus Alden --to-- Aldrich
Aldrich --to-- Annie E. Aldrich
Anson Whipple Aldrich --to-- David Aldrich
David Aldrich --to-- Frederick M. Aldrich
GIlbert Aldrich --to-- John Aldrich
John Aldrich --to-- Mary Ann Aldrich
Mary Ann Aldrich --to-- Prusha Paine Aldrich
Prussia Aldrich --to-- Solomon Aldrich
Solomon Aldrich --to-- Gaius R. Alexander
George Alexander --to-- Sally Alidis
Christopher Quinn Alifano --to-- Amos Hall Allen
Amy Allen --to-- Cora Belle Allen
Courtney Leslie Allen --to-- Eva May Allen
Everett Allen --to-- Huldah G. Allen
Increase Allen --to-- Lucy Allen
Lucy Jane Allen --to-- Olive W. Allen
Orlando Allen --to-- Susannah Allen
Thomas Allen --to-- Thomas Gregory Allin
William Allin --to-- Chad Allred
Eva Allred --to-- Altene
Arthur Alton --to-- Charles Ames
Charles Parker Ames --to-- Lydia Ames
Lydia Whipple Ames --to-- Mary "Polly" Amidon
Mary Ann Amidon --to-- Katherine Anastasia
Elisabeth Olsen Ancher --to-- Candace Anderson
Caroline Lena Anderson --to-- James L. Anderson
James Madison Anderson --to-- Sena Anderson
Sharon Anderson --to-- Amey Andrews
Amity Andrews --to-- Edwin R. Andrews
Eleanor Andrews --to-- Hattie Leslie Andrews
Hattie M. Andrews --to-- Lawrence Shefton Andrews
Lela Andrews --to-- Phedora Dorcilia Andrews
Phillip Andrews --to-- Daniel Andrus
George Everett Andrus --to-- Adeline Angell
Adeline Angell --to-- Amy Angell
Amy Louise Angell (twin) --to-- Benjamin Angell
Benjamin Angell --to-- Cora Margaret Angell
Cora May Angell --to-- Edythe Angell
Effie Angell --to-- Eva Maude Angell
Evelyn Angell --to-- Granville Williams Angell (Jr.)
Granville Wilson Angell --to-- Irving Howard Angell
Isaac Angell --to-- Jesse Angell
Jesse Healy Angell --to-- Julianna Angell
Julius P. Angell --to-- Marietta Angell
Marion Adella Angell --to-- Minerva Angell
Minta F. Angell --to-- Peleg William Angell
Phebe Angell --to-- Sabine Angell
Sallie Frances Angell (twin) --to-- Stephen Angell (Jr.)
Stephen Angell --to-- Welcome Angell
Welcome H. Angell --to-- Daniel Annable
Elizabeth Annable --to-- Charles Kendall Anthony
Charles L. Anthony --to-- Henry J. Antons
Katherine B. Antonson --to-- Sarah Appleby
Seth Appleby --to-- Herbert Fenimore Archer
Isabell Archer --to-- John Welling Areson
Burleigh John Arey --to-- Carroll Todd Armstrong
Carroll Wright Armstrong --to-- Claire Wilbur Arnburg
Oberlin Arnburg --to-- Almira Arnold
Almira Arnold --to-- Barbara Arnold
Barbara Arnold --to-- Charles Hopkins Arnold
Charles Lippitt Arnold --to-- Dorcas Arnold
Dorcas Esther Arnold --to-- Emily M. Arnold
Emily S. Arnold --to-- George Washington Arnold
Georgia Arnold --to-- Isaac Newton Arnold
Isabella Arnold --to-- John Arnold
John Burkett Arnold --to-- Lorenzo Bolles Arnold
Louisa Arnold --to-- Martha M. Arnold
Martin Arnold --to-- Mercy Arnold
Mercy Arnold --to-- Philip Arnold
Philip Rhodes Arnold --to-- Ruth Arnold
Ruth Arnold --to-- Sophia Arnold
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