Timothy Stone --to-- Walter Merritt Stone
Walter Scott Stone --to-- William Stone
William Addison Stone --to-- William Sidney Stone (II)
William Sidney Stone --to-- Benjamin F. Stophlet
Blanche Stophlet --to-- Mamie Storrs
Maria Storrs --to-- Mabel E. Stout
Patricia L. Stout --to-- Palmer Goulding Stowell
Polly Stowell --to-- Stratton
Abigail Stratton --to-- Amey Streeter
Amro W. Streeter --to-- Joab Streeter
Joan Dolores Streeter --to-- Thomas M. Streeter
Thomas Whipple Streeter --to-- Alta B. Strong
Arthur Day Strong --to-- John Wesley Stryker
Lloyd Nelson Stryker --to-- Gilbert Fitch Stuller
John Stuller --to-- Lucy Sturtevant
Maria Sturtevant --to-- Ada E. Summers
Edith Teresa Ann Summers --to-- Helen Marie Sutherland
Mary F. Sutherland --to-- Joseph Swain
Lee Clifton "Cliff" Swain --to-- Jane S. Swan
Janney Vee Swan --to-- May Lois Swarthout
Carol Swartout --to-- Clarinda J. Sweet
Courtney Paul Sweet --to-- James B. Sweet
James B. Sweet --to-- Phillip Sweet (III)
Reuben Sweet --to-- James Sweetland
James Lewis Sweetland --to-- David Waldo Swift
Dorothea E. Swift --to-- Etta Elnora Sykes
Lois Louisa Sykes --to-- Paul Luther Taber
Philip Taber --to-- Dandridge Gordon Taft
Dandridge Gordon Taft (Jr.) --to-- Mary Taft
Mary Ann Taft --to-- Willis Taft
Zadock Taft --to-- S. Visscher Talcott
Sarah Gibson Talcott --to-- Bill Tanner
Blanche May Tanner --to-- Sarah Tappan
George Tappen --to-- Moses Tatro
Hannah Tattersall --to-- Clive E. Taylor
Corinth Jones Taylor --to-- Henry Clarence Clifton Taylor
Henry Joseph Countz Taylor --to-- Margaret Gay Taylor
Marietta Taylor --to-- Samuel L. Taylor
Sarah Taylor --to-- Florence Tebetts
Howard Gale Tedder --to-- Lucy Temple
Luther H. Temple --to-- Levi Terbush
Louise Terhune --to-- Elias Du Pe Thafton
Charles Alexander Thain --to-- Ann Thayer
Ann Marie Thayer --to-- Frinda Thayer
George Thayer --to-- Manley Thayer
Margaret Thayer --to-- William Oscar Thayer
Williams Thayer --to-- Ada Helen Thomas
Aileen Anne Thomas --to-- Fern Lucille Thomas
Flora Gertrude Thomas --to-- Mattie Thomas
Maxwell Steven Thomas --to-- Alexander Thompson
Alvin Paul Thompson --to-- Gerald Rodney Thompson
Gilbert Thompson --to-- Malissa "Ellen" Thompson
Marguerite Mae Christine Thompson --to-- Allen Thomson
Annice Thomson --to-- Abby J. Thornton
Abigail Thornton --to-- Elmer Thornton
Elva Thornton --to-- Lydia B. Thornton
Lydia Mabel Thornton --to-- William M. Thornton
William Riley Thornton --to-- Amanda Thurber
Amey Thurber --to-- Martha Eaton Thurber
Martin Thurber --to-- John Thurston
John A. Thurston --to-- Gertrude Ella Tice
Guy James Tice --to-- Ira Patchen Tiffany
Joseph C. Tiffany --to-- Stephen Tilden
Stephen Tilden --to-- Nicholas Tillinghast
Pardon Tillinghast --to-- Sarah T. Timmins
Theodocia A. Timmons --to-- Elizabeth Tinker
Esther Annette Tinker --to-- Baker Titus
Charles Chandler Titus --to-- Zalmon Toby
Anna Bishop Tod --to-- Harry A. Tolman
Henry Lyman Tolman --to-- Lovel O. Toolie
Maxine Johnson Toombs --to-- Virginia Torres
Yolanda Orio Torres --to-- Clara B. Touzalin
Tower --to-- Beulah Mae Tower
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