Luna Hitchcock --to-- Ruth Hoagland
Theodore Hoagland --to-- Philip Hobbs
Rebecca Hobbs --to-- Catherine Donnison Hodges
Charity Hodges --to-- Fred Hoffman
H. H. Hoffman --to-- Arthur Hoit (Reverend)
Dolly Ann Hoit --to-- Keziah Holbrook
Lewis Holbrook --to-- Nellie M. Holcomb
Norma Ann Holcomb --to-- Angelina M. Holden
Ann Holden --to-- John Holden
John Holden --to-- Waite Holden
Waity or Wait Holden --to-- David W. Holland
Edward Wells Holland --to-- Elisha Daniel Hollis
George W. Hollis --to-- Joshua Sawyer Holman
Lovina Holman --to-- Frona E. Holmes
Geneva Holmes --to-- Samuel Holmes
Sarah "Sally" Holmes --to-- Rebecca Holt
Richard S. Holt --to-- Dorothy Catherine Hood
Edna May Hood --to-- Nelson Hope
Sarah Hope --to-- Esek Hopkins (Commodore)
Esek Hopkins --to-- Mercy Ardelia Hopkins
Minnie May Hopkins --to-- William Hopkins (Jr.)
William Hopkins --to-- Karl Paul Horrigan
Paul Horrigan --to-- Lucy Hosington
Eliza M. Hoskins --to-- Mary Ann Houche
Houck --to-- Clayton Richard Houle
Cleophas Joseph Houle (Sr.) --to-- Henry Abbott Hovey
Isaac Hovey --to-- Abigail Howard
Abigail Perkins Howard --to-- Doris E. Howard
Dorothy Howard --to-- Hazel Mae Howard
Heather Howard --to-- Lucy Howard
Lucy Mary Howard --to-- Richard Howard
Richard A. Howard --to-- Alice Howby
Howe --to-- Samuel Howe
Sarah B. Howe --to-- Angelo Howland
Aurelia Y. Howland --to-- Hannah Hoxie
Howard Hoxie --to-- Jennette E. Hoyt
Jonathan Hoyt (Jr.) --to-- Caroline Hubbard
Caroline Maria "Carrie" Hubbard --to-- Beverly Joan Hubbell
Bryon Hubbell --to-- Ella Hudson
Estella Hudson --to-- Bertha May Huffmann
Carrie A. Huffmann --to-- Phebe Hughes
Phil Hughes --to-- Charles Crosby Hull
Cora Hull --to-- John Thomas Humpherys
Joseph "Josh" Humpherys --to-- Mary E. Hungerford
Orson Whipple Hungerford (Sr.) --to-- Ella Miranda Hunt
Elsie Hunt --to-- Levi Hunt
Lewis Hunt --to-- Willis H. Hunt
Winsor Hunt --to-- Lucy Huntington
Lucy Huntington --to-- Sarah Hurd
Sophronia Hurd --to-- Arlene Hurst
Edith Hurst --to-- Claude Ernest Huss
Dorothy Huss --to-- Jo Anne Hutchins
John Hutchins --to-- Hazel Violet Hutchinson
Henry Hutchinson --to-- Peter Huxford (Captain)
Ruby Huxford --to-- Madsine Kristine Ibsen
Mrs. Ibsen --to-- Florence Hopkins Ingalls
Frank Louthan Ingalls --to-- Mark Ingram
Robert L. Ingram --to-- Nathan Inman
Oziel Inman --to-- Nancy B. Irish
Violet Marie Irish --to-- Jonathan Irons
Joseplh Greene Irons --to-- Harold Vance Irwin
Ida Oliviette Irwin --to-- Lawrence "Dale" Iverson
Lester Iverson --to-- Amelia Jackson
Amey Jackson --to-- Joseph Jackson
Joseph Jackson --to-- Stephen Frank Jackson
Susan Jackson --to-- Ruel Jacobs
Samuel Jacobs --to-- Charles Wayne James
Cora James --to-- David A. Jamieson
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