Katherine (____ - ____)
Katherine (____ - ____)
Katherine (____ - ____)
Katherine D. (____ - ____)
Katherine J. (ABT 1887 - AFT 1942)
Katherine M. (____ - ____)
Katherine W. (1874 - 1940)
Kathleen "Kitty" (ABT 1870 - Jul 1955)
Kathleen Z. (6 Oct 1898 - 26 Oct 1974)
Kathryn (____ - ____)
Kathryn (1912 - ____)
Kathryn (____ - 22 May 1998)
Kathryn A. (1908 - 1967)
Kathryn L. N. (2 Dec 1919 - 16 Mar 1984)
Kathy (____ - ____)
Kathy (____ - ____)
Kathy (____ - ____)
Katie (____ - ____)
Katie (____ - ____)
Katie (Feb 1815 - AFT 1900)
Katie E. (____ - ____)
Kay (____ - ____)
Kelly (____ - ____)
Kenneth (____ - ____)
Kevin (____ - ____)
Keziah (____ - ____)
Kim (____ - ____)
Kim (____ - ____)
Kim (____ - ____)
Kirstin (____ - ____)
Kirstin (____ - ____)
Kris (____ - ____)
Kris (____ - ____)
Kristen (____ - ____)
Kristin (____ - ____)
LaVernis E. (1914 - 1997)
Lana (____ - ____)
Laplies (____ - ____)
Larisa (____ - ____)
Lars (____ - ____)
Laura (____ - ____)
Laura (____ - ____)
Laura (____ - ____)
Laura (____ - ____)
Laura (____ - ____)
Laura (____ - ____)
Laura (____ - ____)
Laura (____ - ____)
Laura (Bet 1802 and 1803 - AFT 1860)
Laura (ABT 1820 - AFT Jun 1880)
Laura (____ - 18 Apr 1839)
Laura (ABT 1857 - ____)
Laura (Aug 1875 - AFT 1900)
Laura (ABT 1881 - AFT 26 Apr 1920)
Laura Amalie (____ - ____)
Laura Louise (____ - ____)
Laura M. (ABT 1820 - AFT 5 Jun 1880)
Laura M. (5 Jun 1831 - 16 Mar 1888)
Laura May (____ - ____)
Laura S. (ABT 1898 - AFT Apr 1930)
Lauren (____ - ____)
Lavina (Abt 1796 or 1797 - ____)
Lavina (____ - ____)
Lea (____ - ____)
Leah (____ - ____)
Leah (____ - ____)
Lela (ABT 1899 - ____)
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