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Ethel Clifton "Cliffie" Wulf

Family 1: Ernest William Whipple (31 Jul 1868 - 7 Jun 1939)
  1.  Annie May Whipple (26 Oct 1897 - ____)
  2.  Ernestine Whipple (14 Aug 1898 - ____)
  3. +Estin Clifford Whipple (22 Oct 1900 - ____)
  4.  Claudia May Whipple (15 Oct 1903 - ____)

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|--Ethel Clifton "Cliffie" Wulf 
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!SOURCE: Clara Hammond McGuigan, The Antecedents and Descendants of Noah Whipple of the Rogerene Community at Quakertown, Connecticut (Ithaca, N.Y.: J.M. Kingsbury, 1971), p. 92, 165. On p. 92, gives name as "Cliffie" (nick name?)

!SOURCE: Email from N. Combs to Weldon Whipple, 23 Sep 2015. Adds burial place, citing Find a Grave website.

RIN 30370. Quick link to this page: https://genweb.whipple.org/30370
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