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(Quick links: genweb.whipple.org/60379 | Whipple One-Name Study)

John Wilde

Father: Warren Wilde (ABT 1787 - ____)
Mother: Deborah Olney (22 Feb 1789 - Mar 1887)

Family 1: Roseanna Curran (ABT 1830 - ____)

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 _Warren Wilde _______|
| (1787 - ....) m 1810|
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|--John Wilde 
|  (1822 - ....)
|                                                                                        _Epenetus Olney ________+
|                                                                                       | (.... - 1698) m 1665   
|                                                                  _Epenetus Olney _____|_Mary Whipple __________
|                                                                 | (1674 - 1740) m 1701  (.... - 1698)          
|                                            _James Olney ________|
|                                           | (1710 - 1770) m 1732|
|                                           |                     |                      _Daniel Williams _______+
|                                           |                     |                     | (1642 - 1712) m 1676   
|                                           |                     |_Mary Williams ______|_Rebecca Arnold Rhodes _
|                                           |                       (1676 - 1740) m 1701  (1656 - 1727)          
|                      _Emor Olney _________|
|                     | (1741 - 1830)       |
|                     |                     |                                            _Samuel Winsor _________+
|                     |                     |                                           | (1644 - 1705) m 1677   
|                     |                     |                      _Samuel Winsor ______|_Mercy Williams ________
|                     |                     |                     | (1677 - 1758) m 1702  (1640 - 1705)          
|                     |                     |_Hannah Winsor ______|
|                     |                       (1711 - 1777) m 1732|
|                     |                                           |                      _Abraham Harding _______+
|                     |                                           |                     | (1656 - 1694) m 1676   
|                     |                                           |_Mercy Harding ______|_Deborah Gardner _______
|                     |                                             (1683 - 1771) m 1702  (1660 - 1720)          
|_Deborah Olney ______|
  (1789 - 1887) m 1810|
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                      |_Elizabeth Crandall _|
                        (1743 - ....)       |
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!SOURCE: GEDCOM file sent by Clayton J. Olney to Weldon Whipple, 16 Apr 2002.

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