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Ephraim Whitney

Family 1: Thankful Harrington (____ - ____)
  1. +Ephraim Whitney (13 May 1756 - 1 Oct 1827)

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|--Ephraim Whitney 
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!SOURCE: Email from Joanne Lahr-Kreischer to Weldon Whipple, 18 Jul 1999.

!SOURCE: Email from Beverly Huckins (email hidden) to Weldon Whipple, 19 May 2005. "From History of Upton [MA, 1935], Ephraim was born in Groton 1722, removed to Weston, then to Westboro and removed lastly to Upton. He married Thankful Harrington of Hopkinton 12.6.1749."

RIN 42036. Quick link to this page: https://genweb.whipple.org/42036
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