_Isquire or Squire or Esquire Whipple _+ | (1745 - ....) m 1768 _Pardon Levi Whipple _|_Mary or Molly Latham _________________ | (1769 - 1811) m 1801 _Levi Pardon Whipple _| | (1803 - 1887) m 1835 | | | _Daniel Priest ________________________ | | | (1742 - 1829) m 1770 | |_Mary "Polly" Priest _|_Elizabeth Robbins ____________________ | m 1801 (.... - 1825) _Levi Pardon Whipple ___| | (1838 - 1928) m 1873 | | | _______________________________________ | | | | | _John Hadley _________|_______________________________________ | | | | |_Hannah E. Hadley ____| | (1812 - 1883) m 1835 | | | _______________________________________ | | | | |_Matilda Lawrence ____|_______________________________________ | _George Elson Whipple _| | (1875 - 1937) | | | _______________________________________ | | | | | ______________________|_______________________________________ | | | | | ______________________| | | | | | | | | _______________________________________ | | | | | | | | |______________________|_______________________________________ | | | | |_Sarah G. Chick ________| | (1837 - 1904) m 1873 | | | _______________________________________ | | | | | ______________________|_______________________________________ | | | | |______________________| | | | | _______________________________________ | | | | |______________________|_______________________________________ | | |--Herbert George Whipple | (1908 - 1993) | _______________________________________ | | | ______________________|_______________________________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | | _______________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________|_______________________________________ | | | _John Marshall Atwood __| | | | | | | _______________________________________ | | | | | | | ______________________|_______________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________| | | | | | | _______________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________|_______________________________________ | | |_Jessie Mabel Atwood __| (1878 - 1912) | | _______________________________________ | | | ______________________|_______________________________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | | _______________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________|_______________________________________ | | |_Evednah Cecilia Brown _| | | _______________________________________ | | | ______________________|_______________________________________ | | |______________________| | | _______________________________________ | | |______________________|_______________________________________
!SOURCE: Social Security Death Index. Gives death residence locality Lisbon, Grafton, New Hampshire.
!SOURCE: New Hampshire Marriage Certificates, 1948-1959 - familysearch.org FHL film 005576223 Cited 16 Oct 2021. Listed on marriage certificate of son Curtis Oliver Whipple. Resident of Lisbon, NH.
!SOURCE: Find a Grave web site memorial 44649640, cited 16 Oct 2021.
Herbert G. Whipple Farm Conservation Area |
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"In October of 2005, this land was put into conservation in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire. This property was in the Whipple family for over 200 years, and was farmed during those years. It has not been subjected to chemicals and has shown to have a variety of native plants, butterflies, birds and other wildlife." --Jessie Whipple Foster, 30 Jun 2008 |
RIN 93655. Quick link to this page: https://genweb.whipple.org/93655
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