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Elizabeth Snow

Family 1: Samuel Whipple (____ - 6 Feb 1827)
  1.  Noah Whipple (15 Feb 1772 - ____)
  2. +Samuel Whipple (4 Jul 1774 - 9 Nov 1843)
  3.  Sarah Whipple (1776 - 21 Jan 1824)

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|--Elizabeth Snow 
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!SOURCE: Email from Joanne Lahr-Kreischer to Weldon Whipple, 7 Feb 2000, in response to email from email hidden.

!SOURCE: Email from Michael Whipple (email hidden) to Weldon Whipple, 30 Jun 2005. Cites http://www.geocities. com/Heartland/Fields/4791/barbourcollectionashfordunderwoodand.html (Barbour Colleection, Windham CT. Ashford Births, Marriages, Deaths 1710 - 1851): "Sam(ue)ll, m. Elisabeth Snow, Jan. 27, 1771; 4; 60" [Note: marriage date previously entered as 29 Jan 1771.]

!SOURCE: Email from Jeanette (email hidden) to the Whipple Website, 20 Jun and 25 Oct 2001. Cites information at the Greensboro, Vermont, Cemetery.

!RESIDENCES: "I am guessing that possibly [Elizabeth's husband Samuel] died in Massachusetts and Elizabeth went to Vermont with her daughter and son-in-law, living with them until her death." --Jeanette

!DEATH: At age 63. --Jeanette

RIN 46306. Quick link to this page: https://genweb.whipple.org/46306
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