_______________________________ | _____________________|_______________________________ | _____________________| | | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_____________________|_______________________________ | _Daniel Jencks ______| | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | _____________________|_______________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_____________________|_______________________________ | _Daniel Jenckes _____| | (1701 - 1789) m 1727| | | _______________________________ | | | | | _____________________|_______________________________ | | | | | _____________________| | | | | | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|_______________________________ | | | | |_Katherine Balcomb __| | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | _____________________|_______________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_____________________|_______________________________ | | |--David Jenckes | (1739 - 1822) | _Edward Sprague _______________+ | | (1576 - 1614) | _William Sprague ____|_Christina Holland ____________ | | (1609 - 1675) m 1635 (1579 - 1651) | _Anthony Sprague ____| | | (1635 - 1719) m 1661| | | | _Anthony Eames ________________+ | | | | (1595 - 1686) m 1615 | | |_Milicent Eames _____|_Margery Pierce _______________ | | (1615 - 1695) m 1635 (1598 - 1662) | _Anthony Sprague ____| | | (1663 - 1731) m 1689| | | | _Robert Bartlett ______________+ | | | | (1567 - ....) m 1589 | | | _Robert Bartlett ____|_Alice Barker _________________ | | | | (1603 - 1676) m 1627 (1567 - ....) | | |_Elizabeth Bartlett _| | | (1636 - 1712) m 1661| | | | _Richard Warren _______________+ | | | | (1580 - 1628) m 1610 | | |_Mary Warren ________|_Elizabeth Walker _____________ | | (1610 - 1683) m 1627 (1583 - 1673) |_Mercy Sprague ______| (1703 - 1750) m 1727| | _Thomas Tilden ________________+ | | (1546 - 1617) m 1576 | _Nathaniel Tilden ___|_Alyce Bigge __________________ | | (1583 - 1641) m 1606 (1548 - ....) | _Thomas Tilden ______| | | (1618 - 1704) m 1663| | | | _Stephen Hucstepe _____________+ | | | | (1554 - ....) m 1584 | | |_Lydia Hucstepe _____|_Winnifred (Winnfrithe) Hatch _ | | (1587 - 1666) m 1606 (1552 - 1592) |_Mary Tilden ________| (1665 - 1731) m 1689| | _______________________________ | | | _William Holmes _____|_______________________________ | | (1618 - ....) |_Mary Holmes ________| (1644 - ....) m 1663| | _______________________________ | | |_Elizabeth __________|_______________________________ (1622 - ....)
!SOURCE: Dwane V. Norris, Whipple Family Tree (Jackson, Mich., 1996), p. 119, 130.
!SOURCE: Email from Mary Jenks (email hidden) to the Whipple Website, 13 Aug 1999, citing "The Jenks Ancestry by Browne, as well as the book, Robert Bartlett of the Anne in the Mayflower Families in Progress series."
!SOURCE: James N. Arnold, Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850, vol. 3, Cumberland, pt. 5 (Providence, R.I.: Narragansett Historical Pub. Co., 1892), p. 40.
!SOURCE: "Descendants of Martha Whipple," emailed by N. Combs to the Whipple Website, 9 Apr 2002. Cites Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850; Rhode Island Cemeteries Database Index. Gives death 26 Jul 1828. (Previously entered as 3 Aug 1822.)
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