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Mary Gilmore

Father: Gilman Gilmore (1813 - ____)
Mother: Laura Tower (13 Jun 1818 - ____)

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 _Gilman Gilmore _____|
| (1813 - ....)       |
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|--Mary Gilmore 
|  (1844 - ....)
|                                                                                        _Benjamin Tower _____+
|                                                                                       | (1673 - 1743) m 1697
|                                                                  _Joseph Tower _______|_Deborah Whipple ____
|                                                                 | (1721 - 1761) m 1743  (1681 - 1755)       
|                                            _Nathaniel Tower ____|
|                                           | (1748 - 1836) m 1774|
|                                           |                     |                      _____________________
|                                           |                     |                     |                     
|                                           |                     |_Judith Briggs ______|_____________________
|                                           |                        m 1743                                   
|                      _Thomas Tower _______|
|                     | (1784 - 1863) m 1802|
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|                     |                     |_Lucy Tingley _______|
|                     |                       (1758 - 1840) m 1774|
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|_Laura Tower ________|
  (1818 - ....)       |
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                      |_Mary "Polly" McCoy _|
                        (1780 - 1872) m 1802|
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!SOURCE: Charlemagne Tower, Tower Genealogy: An Account of the Descendants of John Tower, of Hingham, Mass. (Cambridge: University Press, 1891), p. 359.

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