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Mary R. Keith

Father: Merrill A. Keith (1808 - 1 Sep 1869)
Mother: Mary Warner Olney (14 Dec 1812 - 3 Jan 1888)

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                       _Warren Keith _______|
                      | (1780 - 1839) m 1803|
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                      |                                           |_____________________|_____________________
 _Merrill A. Keith ___|
| (1808 - 1869) m 1831|
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|                     |                     |                     |_____________________|_____________________
|                     |                     |                                                                 
|                     |_Jemima _____________|
|                       (1784 - 1816) m 1803|
|                                           |                                            _____________________
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|                                                                 |_____________________|_____________________
|--Mary R. Keith 
|  (1843 - 1844)
|                                                                                        _John Olney _________+
|                                                                                       | (1678 - 1754) m 1699
|                                                                  _Jeremiah Olney _____|_Rachel Coggeshall __
|                                                                 | (1708 - 1756) m 1734  (1678 - 1760)       
|                                            _Ezekiel B. Olney ___|
|                                           | (1740 - 1826) m 1770|
|                                           |                     |                      _Daniel Brown _______+
|                                           |                     |                     | (1689 - 1724) m 1700
|                                           |                     |_Susannah Brown _____|_Mary Sprague _______
|                                           |                       (1715 - ....) m 1734  (1697 - 1770)       
|                      _Jeremiah Olney _____|
|                     | (1775 - 1826) m 1798|
|                     |                     |                                            _____________________
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|                     |                     |                      _____________________|_____________________
|                     |                     |                     |                                           
|                     |                     |_Mary Warner ________|
|                     |                       (1749 - ....) m 1770|
|                     |                                           |                      _____________________
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|                     |                                           |_____________________|_____________________
|                     |                                                                                       
|_Mary Warner Olney __|
  (1812 - 1888) m 1831|
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                      |                      _Joseph Cheney ______|
                      |                     | (1725 - ....) m 1749|
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                      |_Abigail Cheney _____|
                        (1779 - 1842) m 1798|
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                                            |                      _____________________|_____________________
                                            |                     |                                           
                                            |_Dorcas Stewart _____|
                                              (.... - 1817) m 1749|
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                                                                  |                     |                     


!SOURCE: GEDCOM file sent by Clayton J. Olney to Weldon Whipple, 16 Apr 2002.

RIN 63326. Quick link to this page: https://genweb.whipple.org/63326
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