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(Quick links: genweb.whipple.org/26947 | Whipple One-Name Study)

Elizabeth Waller

Father: Elisha Waller (____ - ____)
Mother: Anna Whipple (28 Mar 1791 - 15 May 1839)

Family 1: Whipple Carpenter (1805 - 1872)

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 _Elisha Waller ______|
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|--Elizabeth Waller 
|                                                                                        _Job Whipple ________+
|                                                                                       | (1684 - 1750) m 1703
|                                                                  _Job Whipple ________|_Silence Pray _______
|                                                                 | (1703 - 1730) m 1724  (1682 - 1767)       
|                                            _Ephraim Whipple ____|
|                                           | (1725 - 1805) m 1745|
|                                           |                     |                      _Daniel Jencks ______
|                                           |                     |                     |                     
|                                           |                     |_Ruth Jencks ________|_Katherine Balcomb __
|                                           |                       (1705 - ....) m 1724                      
|                      _Job Whipple ________|
|                     | (1749 - 1822) m 1772|
|                     |                     |                                            _John Lapham ________+
|                     |                     |                                           | (1677 - 1758) m 1700
|                     |                     |                      _Thomas Lapham ______|_Mary Russell _______
|                     |                     |                     | (1705 - 1779) m 1729  (1683 - 1752)       
|                     |                     |_Sylvia Lapham ______|
|                     |                       (1731 - 1805) m 1745|
|                     |                                           |                      _____________________
|                     |                                           |                     |                     
|                     |                                           |_Abigail Wilbur _____|_____________________
|                     |                                             (1711 - 1785) m 1729                      
|_Anna Whipple _______|
  (1791 - 1839)       |
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                      |                      _Jotham Carpenter ___|
                      |                     | (1709 - 1777)       |
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                      |_Freelove Carpenter _|
                        (1749 - 1834) m 1772|
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                                            |                                           |                     
                                            |                      _John Hale __________|_____________________
                                            |                     |                                           
                                            |_Freelove Hale ______|
                                              (1713 - 1803)       |
                                                                  |                      _____________________
                                                                  |                     |                     
                                                                  |_Hannah Tillinghast _|_____________________


!SOURCE: Frank V. McDonald, Inquiries Relating to the Ancestors and Descendants of Job Whipple, of Cumberland, Rhode Island, and Greenwich, Washington County, New York (Cambridge: University Press, John Wilson & son, 1881), p. 25.

!SOURCE: "Evidence for Believing Barneville Whipple, Alias, Barnable B. Whipple, Alias Barney Whipple was Descended from John & Sarah Whipple of Providence, R.I." mailed to the Whipple Website by Gerry Yost, 1 Feb 2001.

!MARRIAGE: Whipple Carpenter was her cousin. --G. Yost

RIN 26947. Quick link to this page: https://genweb.whipple.org/26947
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