_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _William Crouch _____| | m 1765 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _John Crouch ________| | (1777 - 1830) m 1797| | | _____________________ | | | | | _John Bolles ________|_____________________ | | | | |_Christiana Bolles __| | m 1765 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _John Crouch ________| | (1800 - 1868) m 1821| | | _____________________ | | | | | _John Waterhouse ____|_____________________ | | | (1690 - ....) m 1719 | | _Timothy Waterhouse _| | | | (1740 - 1814) m 1764| | | | | _John Culver ________ | | | | | (1670 - ....) m 1697 | | | |_Esther Culver ______|_Sarah Long _________ | | | (1698 - ....) m 1719 (1673 - ....) | |_Elizabeth Watrous __| | (1780 - 1862) m 1797| | | _Samuel Whipple _____+ | | | (1669 - 1728) m 1690 | | _Zachariah Whipple __|_Elizabeth Eddy _____ | | | (1706 - 1760) m 1728 (1670 - 1717) | |_Content Whipple ____| | (1743 - 1831) m 1764| | | _John Rogers ________+ | | | | |_Elizabeth Rogers ___|_Bathsheba Smith ____ | (1706 - 1751) m 1728 | |--Timothy Crouch | (1826 - 1874) | _____________________ | | | _John Waterhouse ____|_____________________ | | (1690 - ....) m 1719 | _Timothy Waterhouse _| | | (1740 - 1814) m 1764| | | | _John Culver ________ | | | | (1670 - ....) m 1697 | | |_Esther Culver ______|_Sarah Long _________ | | (1698 - ....) m 1719 (1673 - ....) | _John Watrous _______| | | (1778 - 1820) m 1803| | | | _Samuel Whipple _____+ | | | | (1669 - 1728) m 1690 | | | _Zachariah Whipple __|_Elizabeth Eddy _____ | | | | (1706 - 1760) m 1728 (1670 - 1717) | | |_Content Whipple ____| | | (1743 - 1831) m 1764| | | | _John Rogers ________+ | | | | | | |_Elizabeth Rogers ___|_Bathsheba Smith ____ | | (1706 - 1751) m 1728 |_Rachel Watrous _____| (1806 - 1826) m 1821| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _Alexander Rogers ___| | | m 1777 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Desire Rogers ______| (1780 - 1821) m 1803| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Rachel Larrabee ____| m 1777 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
!SOURCE: Email from R. Gilebarto (rogerene@snet) to the Whipple Web Site, 29 May 1998. Gives birth date 2 Mar 1826. (Previously the database recorded the year as 1824.)
!SOURCE: "Ancestors of Frederick Leon Watrous," emailed by R. Gilebarto to Weldon Whipple 22 Nov 1998. Gives death date 26 Jan 1874. (Previously recorded as 6 Jan 1874.) Gives marriage date 13 Apr 1846. (Previously recorded as 19 Apr 1845.)
Gravestone of Timothy Crouch |
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Timothy's Foot Stone: |
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(Submitted 3/14/2009 by R. Gilebarto) |
RIN 13693. Quick link to this page: https://genweb.whipple.org/13693
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