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Susanna Langford

Father: John Langford (15 May 1740 - 12 Oct 1812)
Mother: Ruth (____ - 1835)

                                             _Thomas Langford ____|
                                            | (.... - 1709) m 1701|
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                       _John Langford ______|
                      | (1705 - 1785) m 1727|
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                      |                     |_Sarah ______________|
                      |                       (.... - 1756) m 1701|
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 _John Langford ______|
| (1740 - 1812) m 1790|
|                     |                                                                  _____________________
|                     |                                                                 |                     
|                     |                                            _John Rice __________|_____________________
|                     |                                           | (1646 - 1731) m 1674                      
|                     |                      _John Rice __________|
|                     |                     | (1675 - 1755) m 1695|
|                     |                     |                     |                      _Randall Holden _____
|                     |                     |                     |                     | (1611 - 1692) m 1648
|                     |                     |                     |_Elizabeth Holden ___|_Frances Dungan _____
|                     |                     |                       (1652 - ....) m 1674  (1632 - 1696)       
|                     |_Barbara Rice _______|
|                       (1706 - 1753) m 1727|
|                                           |                                            _John Whipple _______
|                                           |                                           | (1617 - 1685) m 1638
|                                           |                      _John Whipple _______|_Sarah ______________
|                                           |                     | (1639 - 1700) m 1663  (1624 - 1666)       
|                                           |_Elnathan Whipple ___|
|                                             (1675 - 1753) m 1695|
|                                                                 |                      _Thomas Olney _______
|                                                                 |                     | (1605 - 1682) m 1629
|                                                                 |_Mary Olney _________|_Marie Ashton _______
|                                                                   (1643 - 1676) m 1663  (.... - 1659)       
|--Susanna Langford 
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|_Ruth _______________|
  (.... - 1835) m 1790|
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!SOURCE: "Descendants of Elnathan Whipple," email from N. Combs to the Whipple Website, 24 Feb 2003.

RIN 76877. Quick link to this page: https://genweb.whipple.org/76877
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