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Alonzo Boyd

Father: Samuel Boyd (____ - ____)
Mother: Deborah Dana (____ - ____)

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 _Samuel Boyd ________|
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|--Alonzo Boyd 
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|                      _Colville Dana ______|
|                     | (1769 - 1804)       |
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|_Deborah Dana _______|
                      |                                                                  _James Brown ________+
                      |                                                                 | (1666 - 1732) m 1691
                      |                                            _Elisha Brown _______|_Mary Harris ________
                      |                                           | (1717 - 1802) m 1737  (1671 - 1736)       
                      |                      _Elisha Brown _______|
                      |                     | (1749 - 1827) m 1774|
                      |                     |                     |                      _John Smith _________+
                      |                     |                     |                     | (.... - 1719) m 1716
                      |                     |                     |_Martha Smith _______|_Deborah Angell _____
                      |                     |                       (1719 - 1760) m 1737  (1695 - 1738)       
                      |_Lydia Brown ________|
                        (1775 - 1847)       |
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                                            |_Elizabeth Bowen ____|
                                              (.... - 1810) m 1774|
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!SOURCE: Abby Isabel Brown Bulkley, The Chad Browne Memorial, Consisting of Genealogical Memoirs of a Portion of the Descendants of Chad and Elizabeth Browne (Brooklyn, N.Y., 1888), p. 64.

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