Grace Ventrus --to-- Stephen Vesey
Leila Vesley --to-- B. Elmer Vincent
Celinda Hicks Vincent --to-- Anna Parkman Vinton
Betsey Vinton --to-- Daphne E. Von Essen
Desiree Von Essen --to-- Albert Vreeland
Anna Vreeland --to-- Anan W. Wade
Anora Jewell or Annora Bentley Wade --to-- Lucy Wade
Lucy J. Wade --to-- Anna Wadsworth
Anna Wadsworth --to-- Mary Ann Wadsworth
Mary Elizabeth Wadsworth --to-- Elaine H. Wagner
Elizabeth Wagner --to-- Alice Waite
Alvin Barnes Waite --to-- Benjamin S. Walcott (Captain)
Benjamin Stuart Walcott --to-- Narcissa Louise Walden
Philena Walden --to-- Samantha Wales
Sarah Copeland Wales --to-- Calvin A. Walker
Calvin Augustus Walker --to-- Gerald Walker
Geraldine Walker --to-- Lydia Rebecca "Becky" Walker
Lynne Phillips Walker --to-- Russell D. Walker
Ruth V. Walker --to-- Dr. Wallace
E. D. Wallace --to-- Waller
Amanda Waller --to-- James Thayer Walling
John Walling --to-- Kate C. Wallschmidt
June Katherine Wallter --to-- Maxwell A. Walthour
Brandon Joel Waltman --to-- Eula G. Wannamaker
Elmer Wanstall --to-- Doris Marie Ward
Dorothy Marian Ward --to-- Laura Alice Ward
Laura E. Ward --to-- Sarah Ward
Sarah H. Ward --to-- Katharine Ball Waring
Louise Waring --to-- Mary Warner
Mary Warner --to-- Carrie Grace Warren
Charles Warren --to-- James Henry Warren
Jane Warren --to-- Samuel Warren (Captain)
Samuel Warren --to-- Grace Washburn
Hannah Washburn --to-- Timothy Waterhouse
Waterman --to-- Benjamin Waterman
Benoni Waterman --to-- Ella May Waterman
Ellen Elizabeth Waterman --to-- James H. Waterman
James Harris Waterman --to-- Mabel Louise Waterman
Madeline Stewart Waterman --to-- Phebe Waterman
Phebe Waterman --to-- Stephen Waterman
Stephen Waterman --to-- Myrl Waters
Parley Afton Waters --to-- Amos Watrous (Sr.)
Amos Watrous (Jr.) --to-- Daniel Weston Watrous
Darolyn Pearl Watrous --to-- Fred Gerald Watrous
Frederick Watrous --to-- Joseph H. Watrous
Joseph Henry "Harry" Watrous --to-- Nathan Watrous
Nathan Watrous --to-- Stella May Watrous
Stephen Watrous --to-- Edna Watson
Elisha Freeman Watson --to-- Sarah Jane Watterman
Ethel May Watters --to-- Diana Weatherhead
Edgar Weatherhead --to-- Doyle F. Weaver
Earl Franklin Weaver --to-- Freelove Webb
George Heber Webb --to-- Juliana Webber
Mary Eleanor Webber --to-- Jessie Elizabeth Webster
Jessie F. Webster --to-- Doris Inez "Inez" Weed or Clavert
Anna Laura Weeden --to-- William Weeks
William Joseph Weeks --to-- Wilma Weir
Hilda Weirs --to-- Charles Welch
Charles Welch --to-- Frank Weller
Helen Weller --to-- Asa Wells
Asa Wells (Jr.) --to-- Mary Jane Wells
Mary Lucille Wells --to-- Florence Alvira Wenham
Forrest Wenham --to-- Lester Werning
Chris N. Wert --to-- Elsie West
Eugene F. West --to-- Stephen Ely West
Susan West --to-- John Westcott
John Cook Westcott --to-- Mary E. Westgate
Minnie J. Westgate --to-- Ronald Wetzel
Mary Weyer --to-- Martha Wheaton
Martha Eddy Wheaton --to-- Dorothy "Dolly" Wheeler
Ed Wheeler --to-- John Baker Wheeler
John Brown Wheeler --to-- Norman Ellsworth Wheeler
Obadiah Wheeler --to-- David Nicholas Alexander Wheelihan
Frank Alexander Wheelihan --to-- Whipple
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