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Index of Persons

153603 individuals, 61568 families from file 20250122.ged (22 Jan 2025)

Freeman Smith --to-- Hannah Smith
Hannah Smith --to-- Henry Smith
Henry Smith (Reverend) --to-- Hyrum Allen Smith
Ida Smith --to-- James Madison Smith
James Olney Smith --to-- Job Augustus Smith
Job R. Smith --to-- Jonathan Smith
Jonathan Smith --to-- Laura Ann Smith
Laura Ann Smith --to-- Lucilda Marie or Lucinda Marie Smith
Lucille Smith --to-- Margaret Mae Smith
Margery Smith --to-- Mary Smith
Mary Smith --to-- Mary Maude Smith
Mary Odessa Alice Smith --to-- Mowry W. Smith
Myra B. Smith --to-- Noah Smith
Noah Smith --to-- Phebe Smith
Phebe Smith --to-- Rhoda Smith
Rhoda C. Smith --to-- Ruth Smith
Ruth Smith --to-- Sarah Smith
Sarah Smith --to-- Sidney Bidulph Smith
Sidney L. Smith --to-- Susan Reed Smith
Susanna Smith --to-- Waite Smith
Waite Smith --to-- William Smith
William Smith --to-- Vykie Smoyer
James Blundell Smuin --to-- Viola Snitchler
Wilbur Thomas Snitchler --to-- Kenneth Snow
Leda Snow --to-- Fred B. Snyder
George Snyder --to-- Margery L. Sodaghrin
Alice Soder --to-- Jerry Leland Sonner
Sonntag --to-- Johnny Wayne South
Lee Earnest South --to-- Thomas Mussey Southwick
Waity Southwick --to-- Salome Spafford
Abby Spalding --to-- Samuel T. Sparks
Samuel Thomas Sparks --to-- Lottie May Spaulding
Louisa Spaulding --to-- Louisa Ann Spear
Lucy Spear --to-- Alvin Spencer
Amos Spencer --to-- Hattie Spencer
Helen J. Spencer --to-- Nancy Spencer
Nathan Spencer --to-- Aaron Sperry
Abel Sperry --to-- Stephen Sperry
Susan Jane "Amanda" Sperry --to-- Stuart A. Spohn
Zepheniah Sponee --to-- Sprague
Sprague --to-- Boomer Sprague
Byron Waterman Sprague --to-- Frances M. Sprague
Frances Wilson Sprague --to-- Jonas or Jonah Sprague
Jonathan Sprague --to-- Nathan Brown Sprague
Nathaniel Sprague --to-- Sarah Sprague
Sarah Sprague --to-- Alpheus Spring
Amos Spring --to-- Isabella Spurr
Nathaniel Parker Spurr --to-- Mary Stacy
Molly Stacy --to-- Phebe Stafford
Polly Stafford --to-- Edna L. Stallings
Emma Stallings --to-- Dorothy M. Stanley
Edward Tufton Stanley --to-- Elisha Stanton
Eliza Stanton --to-- Staples
Staples --to-- George Arnold Staples
George Henry Staples --to-- Nathan Staples
Nellie Viola Staples --to-- Eleazer Stark
Elizabeth M. Stark --to-- Comfort Starr
Daniel Webster Starr --to-- James John Stathis
Janna Stathis --to-- Charlotte Stearns
Clarence Stearns --to-- Janet Christena Stearns
John Stearns (Captain) --to-- Simon Stearns (twin)
Simon Luther Stearns --to-- William Stedman
Mary Steece --to-- Heber Steen
Mary Josephine Steen --to-- Caroline Matilda Steere
Carrie A. Steere --to-- Esther Steere
Esther A. Steere --to-- Jesse T. Steere
Joanne E. Steere --to-- Mary Ann Smith Steere
Mary Eliza Steere --to-- Rosamond Steere
Rosamond A. Steere --to-- Thomas Steere
Thomas R. Steere --to-- Patricia Joyce Steimle
William Lee Steimle --to-- Jared Stephensen
Maklinley Lynn Stephensen --to-- Jaelynn Stetson
James A. Stetson --to-- Donald Belmont Stevens

UP (A. C. - Maj Ellen Österlin )
BACK (Whipple Sargent - Freelove Brown Smith )
NEXT (Dorothy Stevens - William Henry Stone )


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