Cordelia Augusta Phelps --to-- Arnold Phetteplace
Arthur Truman Steere Phetteplace --to-- Mercy Phetteplace
Minerva Jane Phetteplace --to-- Phillips
Phillips --to-- David Phillips
David Phillips --to-- Harriet Phillips
Harriet "Hattie" Phillips --to-- Lucy E. Phillips
Lucy F. Phillips --to-- Ruth Adelaide Phillips
Ruth Mabel Phillips --to-- John D. Phinney
Keziah Phinney --to-- Philadelphia Pickering
Polly Pickering --to-- Harriet Pidge
Harry Story Pidge --to-- Charlene Ann Pierce
Charles Pierce --to-- Harriet Pierce
Harry Pierce (twin) --to-- Orlinda Pierce
Peleg Pierce --to-- Mary Ann Pierson
Mary F. Pierson --to-- Abigail W. Pillsbury
Adeline Jane Pillsbury --to-- George Byron Pillsbury
George Nason Pillsbury --to-- Martha "Patty" Pillsbury
Mary Pillsbury --to-- Deborah Pilsberry
Jeremiah Pilsberry --to-- George F. Pinkham
George Olney Pinkham --to-- Oliver Andrew Pitfield
Anna Pitkin --to-- Alice Place
Allen Sweet Place --to-- Olive L. Place
Olive Lucinda Place --to-- Shelton Hamblin Platt
William Lester Platt (Sr.) --to-- John Plummer
John Plummer --to-- Samuel Poland
Sarah Poland --to-- Adam Polsey
Adam Polsey (Jr.) --to-- Bertha Ella Poole
Caroline Poole --to-- Lydia Pope
Lydia Myers Pope (Mrs.) --to-- Horace Porter
Huntington Porter --to-- Hoyt Post
Isaiah Post --to-- Bethany Potter
Calista Potter --to-- Ezra D. Potter
Ferdinand Potter --to-- John Wilkinson Potter
Jonathan Potter --to-- Polly Elizabeth Potter
Ray W. Potter --to-- Karen Poulsen
Laurie Poulsen --to-- Alba Barclay Powers
Alice Josephine Powers --to-- John Powers
John Ellsworth Powers --to-- Stephen Eugene Prater
Jonathan Prather --to-- Herbert L. Pratt
Herbert M. Pratt --to-- Timothy Pratt (II)
Welcome A. Pratt --to-- Lydia Presbrey
Lydia Williams Presbury --to-- David Preston
Dean Richard Preston --to-- Mary M. Prewitt or Mary P. Davidson
Alan Mark Pribble (Jr.) --to-- James Priest
Jane Lavinia Priest --to-- Charlotte Stone Proctor
Ellen Marie Proctor --to-- Alethia Maud Prouty
Bertha Jean Prouty --to-- Elmira Whipple Prue
Emerson Cornelius Prue --to-- Park Smalley Pulsipher
Winona Pulsipher --to-- Ernest Stanford Pushie
Harriet Jane Pushie --to-- Elizabeth Putnam
Ellen Maria Putnam --to-- Olive Putnam
Orinda Putnam --to-- Mary Quackenbush
Pearl Adelaid Quackenbush --to-- Charles Clark Quinn
Geneva C. Quinn --to-- Janet Lee Radcliff
Raymond Ross Radcliff --to-- John Henry Ralph
Lucille Ralph --to-- Billie Ramsey
Charlene Ramsey --to-- Ellen F. Rand
Ellsworth Warner "Ells" Rand --to-- Amey Randall
Amey Randall --to-- Eliza Randall
Eliza Randall --to-- James Herbert Randall
James W. Randall --to-- Mary Randall
Mary Alice Randall --to-- Smith Randall
Smith Randall (Jr.) --to-- William Randolph
Julia H. Random --to-- Rasmussen
Rasmussen --to-- Augustus Rathbone
Benjamin Rathbone --to-- Thomas Rathbone
Thomas Rathbone --to-- Anna Morgan Rawson
Annie Leffingwell Rawson --to-- Chester Ray
Chester A. Ray --to-- Mildred Ray
Minnie Lucille Ray --to-- Maria Raymond
Mary Raymond --to-- Joseph Razee (Jr.)
Joseph Razee --to-- Fred Jay Rea
Isaac Rea --to-- Terry Lynn Reams
Hannah Reanes --to-- Robert Redington
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