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Index of Persons

153785 individuals, 61650 families from file 20250213.ged (13 Feb 2025)

Donald James Redlin --to-- Edward Reed
Edward Reed --to-- Richard Charles Reed
Robert Ralph Reed --to-- Charles Johnson Reeves
Charles Lester Reeves --to-- William Madison Reighard
Levina Caroline Reiley --to-- Fred E. Remington
Freelove Remington --to-- William H. Remington
William R. Remington --to-- Frederick Revere
Mary Revill --to-- Harriet C. Reynolds
Helen Angell Reynolds --to-- June E. Rhind
Ruth A. Rhind --to-- Frederick Millere Rhodes (Jr.)
Freelove Crawford Rhodes --to-- Polly Rhodes
Rebecca Rhodes --to-- Anna Rice
Anna Rice --to-- Edmund Rice
Edmund Rice --to-- Henrietta Rice
Henrietta Whipple Rice --to-- Lydia Rice
Lydia Rice --to-- Phebe Rice
Phebe Rice --to-- Wanton T. Rice
Whipple Rice --to-- David H. Richard
Edith Richard --to-- Kenneth Lester Richards
Lawrence Richards --to-- Berdena Elizabeth Richardson
Bessie Bentley Richardson --to-- John Warren Richardson
John Warren Richardson (Jr.) --to-- Schyler Jack Richardson
Shadrach Milton Richardson --to-- Frank Eddy Richmond (2d)
George B. Richmond --to-- Edward W. Ricker
Etta G. Ricker --to-- Sarah Ridenour
Anna Rideout --to-- Lavar Rigby
Rachelle Rigby --to-- Lester Ripley
Mabel Aurelia Ripley --to-- John Ritson
Abigail Rittenhouse --to-- Thomas Rix
Walter Booth Rix --to-- Elizabeth Robbins
Elizabeth Robbins --to-- Charles Roberts
Charles Eugene Roberts --to-- Miriam Faye Roberts
Nicholas Roberts --to-- Lewis Robertson
Lewis C. Robertson --to-- Daniel Robinson
David Robinson --to-- James Dreger Robinson
James Henderson Robinson --to-- Richard Robinson
Richard Robinson --to-- John David Robords
Gary Robson --to-- John Lewis Rodenbach
Thomas Rodenbach --to-- Christine Elizabeth Roeder
Eugene Francis Roeder --to-- Daniel Rogers
Daniel Rogers --to-- Joab B. Rogers
Joan Rogers --to-- Olive Rogers
Orlando Rogers --to-- Benjamin Rolfe
Ed Rolfe --to-- Levi Rood
Blanche Roof --to-- Polly Root
Samuel Root --to-- Ellen N. Rose
Emma Rose --to-- Annie E. Ross
Arthur A. Ross --to-- Zenas Ross
George Ross or Boss --to-- Anna Rounds
Benoni A. Rounds --to-- Leonard Row
Bridget Rowan --to-- Emma J. Rowland
Etta B. Rowland --to-- Elizabeth Ann Roy
George Roy --to-- Louisa Catherine Rudolph
Lucretia Rudolph --to-- James Fenner Rumwell
Joseph Rumwell --to-- Anthony Russell
Apphia Russell --to-- James W. Russell
Jane Russell --to-- William A. Russell
William E. Russell --to-- Catherine Elsie "Elsie" Ryder
Cora Belle Ryder --to-- Sydney Saben
Waite Ann Saben --to-- Clara A. Sackett
Daniel M. Sackett --to-- Fordyce E. Safford
Gideon Safford --to-- John Sakal (Sr.)
Mary Isabella Salak --to-- Eliza Salisbury
Elizabeth Salisbury --to-- Lyman Salisbury
Marana Hawkins Salisbury --to-- Warren Salisbury
Warren M. Salisbury --to-- Bernice Sampson
Charles H. Sampson --to-- Mary Elizabeth Sanborn
Mary Elizabeth Sanborn --to-- Myron Joseph Sanders
Oliver Sanders --to-- Elbert C. Sanford
Eleanor M. Sanford --to-- Harriet Sargent

UP (A. C. - Maj Ellen Österlin )
BACK (Elza Eugene Phelps - Charles J. Redlin )
NEXT (James Sargent - Frank P. Smith )


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