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Index of Persons

153482 individuals, 61509 families from file 20250118.ged (18 Jan 2025)

John M. Hoag --to-- Vera Grace Hobart (twin)
Donna Hobb --to-- Frances Eunice Hochstetler
Frank Burgert Hochstetler --to-- Hannah Hodgkins
James Hodgkins --to-- Theresa Hoflacher
Clara Hofman --to-- Candace Holbrook
Catharine N. Holbrook --to-- Nathaniel Holbrook
Nathaniel Holbrook --to-- Leah M. Holcombe
Lovina A. Holcombe --to-- Anstis Holden
Anthony Holden (Jr.) --to-- John Holden
John Holden --to-- Ulysses Holden
Ulysses Holden --to-- Patrick Lee Holihan
Holland --to-- Sarah Ann Holliman
Thomas Jefferson Holliman --to-- David Holman
Deborah Holman --to-- Caryl Holmes
Catherine M. Holmes --to-- Laura Luella Holmes
Lemuel Holmes --to-- Edith Holt
Edith Holt --to-- Clarence Holtz
Dale E. Holtz --to-- Newton Carlos Hooker
Olive Hooker --to-- Alice Hopkins
Alice Josephine Hopkins --to-- Frances Hopkins
Frank Hopkins --to-- Nehemiah Sheldon Hopkins
Nelson Hopkins --to-- Willard Hopkins
William Hopkins --to-- Natalie Hornsby
Paul Hornsby --to-- Ruth Horton
Sabra Maria Horton --to-- John Hotchkiss
Joshua Hotchkiss --to-- Elizabeth Houghton
George Houghton --to-- Max Kenneth Houtz
Ronald Max Houtz --to-- Edith How
Eliphalet How --to-- Barbara A. Howard
Bernice Lillian Howard --to-- Emily Estera "Minnie" Howard
Emma Howard --to-- Ida Viola Howard
Isaac Howard --to-- Margaret Howard
Margaret Elizabeth Howard --to-- Robert Howard
Robert Howard (Jr.) --to-- Mary Arpha Howarth
Alice Howby --to-- Phineas Howe
Rhoda Howe --to-- Helen Robertson "Nellie" Howie
James Howie --to-- Samuel Shaw Howland
Sarah Howland --to-- Enoch Hoyt
Esther Barnes Hoyt --to-- Sarah Hoyt
Sarah Hoyt --to-- Jonathan B. Hubbard
Josiah Hubbard --to-- David Franklin Huddle (Jr.)
Franklin Pierce Huddle --to-- May Hudson
Milton L. Hudson --to-- Allie Ozettia Hughes
Ann L. Hughes --to-- Walter Hughes
Walter Taliaferro Hughes --to-- J. Franklin Hull
John Hull --to-- Joseph "Josh" Humpherys
Joseph William Humpherys --to-- Jeanette W. Hungerford
Joseph E. Hungerford --to-- Donnaline Hunt (twin)
Dorothy Hunt --to-- Jacob Hunt
James Allen Hunt --to-- Sarah "Sally" Hunt
Sarah Ide Hunt --to-- William Jeffries Hunter (Sr.)
William Quintard Hunter --to-- Adeline Hurd
Almira Hurd --to-- Harriet Louisa Hurlbut
Horace Elijah Hurlbut --to-- Edwin Ralph Huse
Eliphalet Huse --to-- Charles Jerome Huston
Charlotte Ruth Huston --to-- Lyle S. Hutchins
Margaret Hutchins --to-- John Hutchinson
John Hutchinson --to-- William Huxford
Nora Belle Huyck --to-- Karen Ibsen
Karen Ibsen --to-- Ingalls
Abram Ingalls --to-- John Turner Ingraham
Kenneth Carr Ingraham --to-- John Inman (Jr.)
John Inman --to-- Hans Ipsen
Hans Peder Ipsen --to-- Elisha Irons
Elizabeth W. Irons --to-- Samuel Irons
Samuel Irons (III) --to-- Jeanette Isbickie
Arnold F. Isch --to-- Phebe Ives
Robert Hale Ives --to-- Cora Jackson
Dan Jackson --to-- Katie Eloise Jackson
Kenneth Jackson --to-- Susanna Jackson
Susanna Jackson --to-- Rebekah Jacobs
Richard Jacobs --to-- Anton James
Barbara James --to-- Donald Sherman Jameson
Donna Jameson --to-- Sara Jardfeld

UP (A. C. - Maj Ellen Österlin )
BACK (Daniel Hansen - Isabella Hoag )
NEXT (Mary Emeline Jardin - Amos Kingsley )


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