Rebecca Hoar --to-- Theodore Crosby Hobbs
W. C. Hobbs --to-- Anna DeLeath Hodges
Bradford Hodges --to-- Fred Hoffer
Hoffman --to-- Charles Hogrefe
Lara Hogrefe --to-- Henry C. Holbrook
Henry Nye Holbrook --to-- Chester L. Holcomb
Clarence Eugene Holcomb --to-- Reed Holdaway (Jr.)
Royal Dean Holdaway --to-- Edwin Holden
Edwin Leroy Holden --to-- Peter Holden
Peter M. Holden --to-- George L. Holdridge
Harry Holdridge --to-- Holldorf
Van G. Hollen --to-- Rachel Hollister
Rome Woodworth Hollister --to-- Sarah S. Holman
Sterling Elmo Holman --to-- Henry Holmes
Henry B. Holmes --to-- Virgil Holmes
Walter Packard Holmes --to-- Rebecca Holt
Richard S. Holt --to-- Amos Hood
Asa Hood --to-- Sarah E. Hoover
Thomas J. Hoover --to-- Elizabeth Burgess "Lizzie" Hopkins
Ella M. Hopkins --to-- Jonah Hopkins (Sr.)
Joseph Hopkins --to-- Stephen Hopkins (Governor)
Stephen Hopkins --to-- JoAnn Horne
John Horne (Deacon) --to-- John Morris Horton
Jonathan Horton --to-- Claude Hotaling
Jana Hotaling --to-- Walter S. Hough (III)
Walter Samuel Hough (Jr.) --to-- Houseman
Gail Houseman --to-- Sarah E. Hovey
Simeon Hovey --to-- Amey C. Howard
Amie Elizabeth Howard --to-- Eliza Frances Howard
Elizabeth Howard --to-- Helen Otis Howard
Henry Howard --to-- Lucia Howard
Lucy Howard --to-- Raymond O. Howard (Jr.)
Raymond Owen Howard --to-- William Howard
William Howard --to-- Mary "Mamie" Howe
Mary Ann Howe --to-- Lydia Howes
Margaret Howes --to-- Peleg Howland (Jr.)
Peleg Howland --to-- Edwin Hoyt
Edwin Hoyt (Jr.) --to-- Ralph Buchanan Hoyt
Ralph Williams Hoyt --to-- Jerusha Hubbard
John Hubbard --to-- Susan Hucsteppe
Thomas Hucsteppe --to-- Mary Ellen Hudson
Mary F. Hudson --to-- Albert N. Hughes
Allie Ozettia Hughes --to-- Walter Hughes
Walter Taliaferro Hughes --to-- John Hull
Katharine Hull --to-- Mary Elisabeth Humpherys
Mary Louise Humpherys --to-- Martin Luther Hungerford
Martin N. Hungerford --to-- Elijah Hunt
Elizabeth Hunt --to-- John Ward Hunt
Jonathan J. Hunt --to-- Stephen Hunt
Stephen Foster Hunt --to-- Mary Hunting
William Hunting --to-- Eleanor Hurd
Elisha Hurd --to-- Rodney Leroy Hurlbut
Samuel Hurlbut --to-- Floyd E. Huse
Floyd T. Huse --to-- Owen Hayden Huston
Owen Hayden Huston (Jr.) --to-- Sarah Hutchins
Sarah Hutchins --to-- Marietta Hutchinson
Martin Hutchinson --to-- Clement Hyde
Diadema Hyde --to-- Jesse Ide
Lucy Draper Ide --to-- James W. Ingalls
Joseph Ingalls --to-- Sarah Katherine Ingram
Verna Ingrum --to-- Michael Inman
Mowry Inman --to-- Mary Dollena "Dollena" Ireland
Meta Johanna Regina Irhke --to-- Harris A. Irons
Harris Medbury Irons --to-- Thomas Irons
Thomas Fenner Irons --to-- Robert Lee Ison
Walter Wendell Ison --to-- Lucile Jack
Nancy Jack --to-- Frances Jackson
Fred S. Grant Jackson --to-- Mary Jackson
Mary Jackson --to-- Deborah Jacob
John Oswald Jacob --to-- Borgne Jacobson
Byron Andrew Emil Jacobson --to-- Jennie James
Jennifer "Jenny" James --to-- Caroline Louise Janulet
Lynn Janulet --to-- James Russell Jarrett
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