Charlotte Brion --to-- Jean Russell "Jeanie" Brock
Letta Brock --to-- Charles L. Bromley
Charles Lansing Bromley --to-- Sanford Safford Bromley
Sanford Schuyler Bromley --to-- J. Frank Brooks
James L. Brooks --to-- Jasper Avril Brotherton
John Brotherton --to-- Abigail Brown
Abigail Brown --to-- Amey Brown
Amey Brown --to-- Annis Maria Brown
Annis May Brown --to-- Byrdana B. Brown
Byron Sayles Brown --to-- Christopher Brown (Captain)
Christopher Brown --to-- David Brown (Sr.)
David B. Brown --to-- Edwin G. Brown
Edwin G. Brown --to-- Ella Brown
Ella A. Brown --to-- Feramorz Little Brown
Feramorz Y. Brown --to-- Grace Brown
Grace Brown --to-- Henry Martin Brown
Henry Matthias Brown (Reverend, D.D.) --to-- James Brown
James Brown --to-- Joanna Brown
John Brown --to-- Joseph Brown
Joseph Brown --to-- Larrita Beth Brown
Larry Boice Brown --to-- Lunette Brown
Lurial Brown --to-- Martha A. Brown
Martha Ann Brown --to-- Mary E. Brown
Mary Eliza Brown --to-- Nancy Brown
Nancy Brown --to-- Oliver Brown
Oliver H. Brown --to-- Rhoda Brown
Rhoda Brown --to-- Samuel Brown
Samuel Allen Brown --to-- Smith Brown
Solomon Brown --to-- Verl Ellis Brown
Victor Lee Brown (Sr.) --to-- William Gould Brown
William H. Brown --to-- Brownell
Abner Brownell --to-- Sarah Browning
W. R. Browning --to-- Lillian Brummitt
Frank Roy Brumwell --to-- Ruth Baird Bryan
Silas Lillard Bryan --to-- Frances Minerva Bryson
Harry Bryson --to-- Ira Buck
Isaac Buck --to-- Bucklin
Bucklin --to-- Adoniram Judson Bucknam
Anna Bucknam --to-- William Bucknam
William Bucknam --to-- Robert Everett Budlong
Sarah Rhodes Budlong --to-- William Buffum
William Buffum --to-- Evelyn Bull
Hannah Bull --to-- Lydia Bullock
Maggie C. Bullock --to-- George Bunker
Leah Bunker --to-- Nathaniel Burbank
Natt Bryant Burbank --to-- Mabel "Maybelle" Burdette
Rebecca Layne Burdette --to-- Albert Field Burgess
Allen Eugene "Bud" Burgess --to-- Jennie Burgess
Jerusha Burgess --to-- William Wallace Burgess (Jr.)
Zaidee Amey Burgess --to-- Norman Burke
Ruth Abbie Burke --to-- Alvah Evelyn Burlingame
Amey M. Burlingame --to-- Ebenezer Burlingame
Edith Blanche Burlingame --to-- Henry Arnold Burlingame
Henry Bascombe Burlingame --to-- Lucy E. Burlingame
Luther Day Burlingame --to-- Peter Burlingame
Peter Burlingame --to-- Walter Stewart Burlingame
Waterman Burlingame --to-- Benjamin Burnham
Benjamin Burnham --to-- Lydia Burnham
Marie Antoinette Burnham --to-- Mary Burns
Pearl Burns --to-- Levi Burr
Louisa S. Burr --to-- Poninah Burroughs
Sarah Elizabeth Burroughs --to-- Jame Burt
James Burt --to-- Mary Burton
Mary Burton --to-- Samuel Prescott Bush
Timothy Bush (Jr.) --to-- Mehitable Buswell
William Buswell --to-- Jeduthan Butler
Jonathan or James Butler --to-- Dora Butterfield
Glen Butterfield --to-- Lucy Buttrick
Maria Buttrick --to-- Adaline Byram
Leona Leota Byram --to-- David Cady
David Cady (Jr.) --to-- Ada Cain
Addie Cain --to-- Mildred Mae Cain
Minnie Cain --to-- Homer Albert Caldwell (Jr.)
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